Azuthai Restaurant in Pasay Road is barely two years old, but it already feels like an old reliable. The taste level and service--both excellent--had been largely invariable on each of my visits there. They say a good dining experience makes you want to do two things at once: to replicate it exactly and to share it immediately with people who are dear to you. I'm happy I got to do both recently with my friends Kate, whom I was with when I first tried the place; and GP, a good friend who has not been there.
Azuthai is a worthy addition to the family of restaurants that includes Milky Way (Filipino), Tsukiji (Japanese), Cirkulo (Spanish) , each of which is distinguished in its cuisine and is housed in the same building.
Come to think of it, the mayor, if he knows his food, should accord that building the privileges of a major landmark.
So this is what I was up to the past few months, volunteering for the Aquino presidential campaign. I didn't know it would take up so much of my life! But it's all worth it when you feel like you're fighting for your country's soul. It's so sweet when your candidate wins.
Now that it's over, I'm personally putting all talks of politics on hold. It's time to lighten up once again. Consumerism, I missed you! Music, art, books and clothes--you have my attention back.