Monday, March 23, 2009

A Yellow Ruin

My first pair of these Topman shoes got ruined in the first wash. I tried washing them again, but the staining just got worse. This pair in the photo is actually my second in less than a month (bought in a panic after the first disaster). I washed this second pair last week (with Dove soap, because I thought the first pair might have reacted to strong detergents) and because someone told me it's exposure to the sun that causes them to become yellow, I dried them indoors.

And yet look at them now.

I have other pairs of white canvas shoes, which are less prone to yellow staining, so I'm inclined to think that it's the particular fabric of these shoes. (I wore them today with the excuse that these yellowish shoes have acquired some "character.")

However, if you have some foolproof technique in cleaning white shoes, I would love to hear it. Thank you.



Same thing happened to my crisp white dress shirt after washing it with bleach – it turned yellow. I’m pretty much ok with Ariel oxybleach powder…a lil’ scrubbing and tadah! And oh, never let the Laundromat or your helper do to wash it yourself.

Michael Morco said...

Thanks for the input, Ram! Shall try this on the next wash.

Make it Easy said...

i like them dirty :-)
when i went to topman, i saw a bunch of these kind of shoes too, and i did not buy kicking myself for that now :-(