These are the receipts I got from Astoria Plaza, The BlueFrog Wines, Rustan's Supermarket, High Top Supermarket and the friendly neighborhood beer distributor, Oliveros, for the following:
a 2-bedroom suite
16 bottles of wine
3 cases of beer
grocery items that went into the making of spaghetti in tomato sauce with meatballs and smoked cheese, calamari with garlic mayonnaise dip
Friendly neighborhood barbecuer Mang Greg delivered 100 sticks, but gave no receipt.
Anyway. Giving a party is so much easier for me than buying individual gifts for my friends. (Even if it means staying up late to chop tomatoes, squids and cheese... and taking several trips to buy ice from MiniStop to buy enough ice to cover a bathtubful of drinks.) Since I still cannot wrap my mind around the idea that "it's the thought that counts," I'm always mortified that I'll give the wrong gift. (Personally, I'm more offended by an unconsidered gift than receiving no gift at all.) Thus, I always tell friends instead of material things, I'm giving them the gifts of togetherness and merrymaking
--two things we can never have enough of.
Fewer than expected went last Friday, but those who couldn't go had valid reasons, so it's fine. Those who came had a good time, by all indications. 'Til next year, friends. Thank you and merry Christmas!